Sunday Morning

Sunday Evening

Wednesday Evening 

What to Expect

Sunday Morning

Prayer Time

Sundays @ 9:15am – 9:30am

Men and women each have a special time of prayer before the service. The Pastor leads the men in time of asking for God’s help for the morning worship service. The Pastor’s wife leads the women in prayer. This prayer time is an overflow of our hearts before God to acknowledge our total dependence upon Him for the worship service. 


Bible Study

Sundays @ 9:40am – 10:15am

You are invited to participate in our various Bible Studies for all ages. These classes consist of smaller groups that change as each study is completed. We have groups for adults, teens, and young children. God’s Word is taught giving you opportunity for questions and comments. The goal is to present clearly God’s truth that will transform your life. 


Worship Service

Sundays @ 10:30am – 11:30am

We have an orderly worship that focuses you upon our Great God. The service gives God glory through a reverential Scriptural worship.



The service is bathed in prayer before, during, and at the conclusion. The church regularly seeks God’s help to give hope to all who hear. Prayer enables the believer to come boldly before Him in His presence. Prayer is the tool to find forgiveness, give praise, to intercede for others, and to ask our petitions before Him. Prayer is not rote or ritual, but overflows from a heart changed by Christ.



We worship through our presence in singing, giving, listening, and enjoying His presence through music. The congregational singing along with special vocal and instrumental music allows preparation of your heart to hear God’s Word. The music is distinctive and reflective of the God we serve. The music presented focuses the worshiper upon God.

Scripture Reading

The service includes a time to hear the Scripture read. The reading follows the passage preached by the pastor. Every pew has a Bible available for those who would like to follow the message. During the preaching, an outline is given that specifies the Scriptures that are being used to present the theme that will challenge and change your life.

Sunday Evening

5:30pm – 6:15pm

Our church family gathers for more singing and preaching in a shorter more intimate time together. The sermons are expositional and seek to study systematically the Scriptures. Often times the pastor preaches a topical message focusing upon transforming doctrinal truths.

Wednesday Evening

7:00pm – 7:45pm

Again, in a shorter service, the pastor takes time to give an engaging study as a pastor-teacher. The service starts with singing followed by a time of personal prayer before God. The congregation has an opportunity to present praise and prayer requests. Occasionally, the service follow a 20, 20, 20 pattern. The service divides into twenty minutes segments of praying, watching a video (mission or evangelistic exposure, illustrative instruction, controversial and specialized subjects), and preaching-teaching.


Frequently Asked Questions

May I speak with Pastor Twigg directly?

Yes, Pastor Twigg is available by calling 919-557-1725. Pastor will always answer personally, and if not available, you can leave a message detailing when will be the best time for him to call you back. The pastor personally greets all who come to the services.

What about my children?

Jesus says this about children, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 19:14). God blesses us with children as a gift. We take seriously the stewardship of your children during the services. Our workers carefully and lovingly instruct them using simple and engaging teaching. Your child will enjoy and be enriched during the Bible study and preaching time. Parents of children from birth to age five will be given pagers that will help address any special need that may arise. Workers observe special guidelines and practices to insure the safety and well-being of your child.

What does “Baptist” mean in your church name?

We are a church independent of any denomination. We hold to sacred core beliefs commonly held by all Bible believing churches. We use “Baptist” in our name to be an aid to understanding our heritage of beliefs. The church practices baptism by immersion for those who have trusted Christ as their personal Savior. We follow a congregational worship style traditionally found in Baptist churches.

What is the atmosphere of your worship service?

Our desire is to approach God reverently in worship. This includes giving a sincere friendly greeting to our guests, presenting sacred music both vocally and instrumentally, voluntary giving by our people, and fervent, practical preaching. Your heart and openness towards God is one of the most important aspects of your presence in the worship service.

What level of participation will be expected of me?

You are free to attend any or all of the services. As a believer, you are invited to participate in all aspects of public worship including the observing of the Lord’s Table (Quarterly). If you are desiring to know more about God, you are invited to listen to the preaching that will show you how you can have a personal relationship with Him. You do not have to know the hymns, give during the offering, or volunteer any personal information. You are our special guest and we are praying that your life will be transformed by God’s truths.

Why should I attend Shadow Ridge?

Only God can give you the assurance of that decision. By coming, you are testing God’s will. If you desire to know more about God realize that, He has guided your steps and given you an open door to know Him. You are always welcomed and we have been praying that God will make a difference in your life through this ministry.

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